I am committed to...
- Finding the best ways of working with you and your organization to achieve the outcomes you want
- Developing innovative, fun and inclusive strategies to maximize collaboration, audience engagement and understanding
- Creating a trusting and mutually respectful relationship with you and your colleagues
- Listening carefully to what you say and respecting your personal decision not to say something as may be the case
- Working with integrity and striving for excellence in all aspects of our work together
In support of these commitments, I believe that:
- Everyone is a leader... and a follower
- Good communication is the responsibility and the right of everyone in a group
- All contributions are valuable and promote understanding
- Listening is often more important than speaking
- Creative solutions to challenging problems are always near to hand and waiting to be discovered by those willing to explore
- Failure is never final but a temporary situation waiting to be improved
- Change takes time... and often compassion, patience and personal commitment
- Humour is an essential ingredient to promoting trust, change and just about everything else!