Susan Simosko can help you to develop new skills and gain confidence in your ability to communicate as a presenter or facilitator. She can support you to overcome fears and anxiety, learn a few important 'tricks of the trade' and enable you to communicate in ways that immediately increase the understanding, commitment and motivation of others.
For more than 25 years, Susan has successfully delivered and facilitated hundreds of presentations and workshops across the world. As a communications mentor, Susan draws not just on this vast experience, but also on her extensive training and experience including as a performing artist (as a jazz musician, dancer and classical mime) and health and fitness leader. It's a rare combination that truly works! Regardless of your current skills and confidence level, Susan can support you to be the best you can be, always building on the skills and knowledge you already have.
How she works...
As a communications mentor, Susan works with both individuals and small groups of people (never more than six at a time). Through a questionnaire or one-on-one session, she helps you clarify your needs and goals. From there, she develops a plan that will best address your personal challenges and needs. Work in this area is highly individualized, creative and fun. Each session varies from individual to individual and from group to group. Whether in a single session or on an on-going basis, Susan provides support, feedback and a range of safe, fun and interesting opportunities to help you explore personal and creative options for improvement!